Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Personalities behind the civil rights movement

The Civil Rights Movement was primarily due to discrimination and racism against the African-Americans. It aimed at granting full civil and political rights and equality to all the Americans, regardless of race. This article looks into the earlier phase (1896-1954) of the many movements which constitute the Civil Rights Movements. The Civil Rights Movement would be nothing without the contributions of brave men and women towards the achievement of equal rights. These personalities and leaders made it possible to end slavery, segregation and unfair treatment to the oppressed. Even some of these people were victims themselves who struggled for freedom and justice. These leaders include: Mary McLeod Bethune, John Brown, Linda Brown, Ruby Bridges, Frederick Douglass, Medgar Evers, Marcus Garvey, Jesse Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Homer Plessy, Dred Scott, Sojourner Truth, Nat Turner, Harrit Tubman and Malcolm X. Every one of these leaders has his/her own story to tell, own act of selflessness in order to see the better of the country. Bethune was an African American who became an advisor of the late Franklin D. Roosevelt and created an all black school so that black children can study to have good jobs later on and vote wisely; Brown helped in preventing Kansas from being a slave state and helped slaves in escaping from their captors; Linda Brown became famous for fighting the Board of Education of Topeka to help give all black children a good education; Bridges helped in ending segregation in her school. Douglass, once a slave, helped children to read and write and fought for freedom through the speeches he gave; Evers also fought for equality for the blacks in Mississippi; Garvey started the Back to America Movement, meant to help blacks me treated right; Jackson, one of the greatest Civil Rights leader, was the second black American to run for presidency, which he believed was a key to getting more political power for the blacks; and Lincoln played a big role by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, which was a declaration of freedom for all slaves. These were just some of those who have great contributions during the Civil Rights Movement. Their primary goal, among others, was to see that every American has equal rights regardless of race or color. To do this, not just whites but blacks must be allowed to have education or to go to an all-whites school. This was important for the blacks because it is one ticket to a good job and future. Achieving this also shows equality in education between blacks and whites. The leaders also fought for the eradication of poverty among the blacks. During those times, their only purpose was being slaves to richer people in their own state. They have no right for freedom, for good jobs around the neighborhood, and for all the good things whites enjoy. The leaders have wanted economic independence for all. Another thing they saw worth fighting for was their right to vote. Many black persons were killed brutally just for encouraging blacks to vote. The whites see this as an insult to them because they think that the blacks have no business dealing with political activities. These leaders also wanted privileges be granted to blacks, especially when it comes to the places where blacks and whites are separated, such as the seating in the buses, bathrooms, housing and school. All these goals constitute social change. The leaders wanted to end the hardships that blacks shouldered everyday. They have also longed for freedom of speech. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks can be considered great leaders during these times. Their contributions have made many changes in the way blacks were treated in different states. Kennedy was the only president to appoint blacks in different federal positions as a way to end racial discrimination. He issued the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make way for equal treatments and rights. This act abolished the discrimination on buses. Whites and blacks alike can now sit wherever they want to. It abolished discrimination in housing. Before, blacks lived in the seedier parts of town. Only whites have the right to clean, better and richer areas. Kennedy’s Executive Order # 11063 ended this. The act also abolished discrimination in voting and education. King, on the other hand, also played an important role during the Civil Rights Movement. He believed in peaceful demonstrations and rallies, protests and marches to fight against Jim Crow Laws, which segregate blacks and whites. He wanted blacks to enjoy the same privileges as the whites such as voting. His leadership brought about changes and the Jim Crow was defeated. Blacks were able to enjoy the things that used to be denied them. Lastly, Parks became instrumental in sparking the Civil Rights Movement. She was arrested one night for refusing to give the seat to a white passenger in the bus. She was found guilty, and had to pay a fine. Although she lost the case, her arrest made way for the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasted a year. Her lawyers then filed suit against the segregation, saying it was unconstitutional. This effort was not wasted when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Parks’ lawyers. The segregation on the buses was finally over. REFERENCE Payne, Charles M. (1995). I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle. Berkeley: University of California Press.

American Literature Before 1865

While the land issue is frequently invoked as the reason behind the extermination of indigenous Americans by European settlers, the real issue was a clash of cultures that held incompatible world views. Among Native Americans (hereafter referred to as â€Å"Indians† for convenience and because this is actually Native peoples’ preferred appellation according to Coeur d’Alene writer Sherman Alexie), society was usually very egalitarian, and even democratic. Europeans on the other hand believed in top-down, societal structures with rigid orders and classes.Most Indians were hunters and gatherers; this is how they survived, acknowledging game and wild edible plants as gifts of nature. In light of the harsh, puritanical Yahwist world view of the Europeans, it is significant that those in a hunting-gathering society rarely have to work more than five or six hours per week in order to satisfy their basic needs; Euro-Christians were children of a vengeful, patriarchal go d who demanded that they earn their bread by the sweat of their brow (unless of course, one was a successful capitalist, in which lower classes would do it on one’s behalf).Their warped belief system demanded that they till the earth; hunting was for sport. Many (not all) Indians found the thought of agriculture as an affront to the earth; if the Great Spirit had provided berries, roots and game animals, why would they scratch open the Great Mother seeking more?Sexuality was another issue; while most Indians embraced it as any normal, healthy life form and exhibited great tolerance for homosexuality and trans-gendered people (some of whom had high status, as was the case of the Cherokee â€Å"Two Spirit†), Europeans were – as many Americans are now – embarrassed, ashamed, intolerant and repressive when it came to sexual matters. Women among many Indian tribes also had a huge degree of freedom and equality with men, which was rigidly denied to European wom en. Different European groups had very different experiences and problems in encountering and interacting with Indians.In A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virgina, written in 1587 prior to the mysterious disappearance of the Roanoke Colony, the explorer Harriot – a product of the Elizabethan England of Shakespeare – wrote under the heading Of The Nature and Manners of the People that the Indians â€Å"†¦are not to be feared, â€Å" but warning â€Å"that they shall have cause to feare and love us, that shall inhabite with them† (241). Harriot goes on the describe them in some detail as to their animal-skin clothing, their lack of edged tools and their style of warfare.He writes, â€Å"In respect of us, they are a people poore, and for want of skill and judgement in the knowledge and use of our things, doe esteeme our trifles [toys, coins and cooking tools] before things of greater value† (242). This statement is significant, partic ularly in light of later experiences of the English in Virginia – experiences that involved great suffering, death and privation. Here, Harriot indulges in typical English chauvinism, judging Indian society and culture by the standards of his own.It should have become obvious over the ensuing twenty years that a lack of technology did not necessarily make for an inferior culture; masters of their environment, the Indians were well able to survive and even thrive in a place where the first English settlers starved, existed in poverty and frequently died. Even Harriot’s statement that â€Å"should they desire our friendship and love, [they will] have the greater respect for pleasing and obeying us† – a clear declaration of intentions to enslave Indians – proved to be based on this faulty logic as future English settlers discovered when they attempted to do just that.Harriot’s description of the local Indian’s religion indicates there we re some traits shared with their own Christianity; immortality of the soul, analogues to Heaven and Hell, and even formal worship rituals held in â€Å"houses appropriate or temples† (243). While by no means typical of all Indian spirituality or religion, it was these kinds of similarities that some Catholic missionaries were able to use in their successful conversions elsewhere.With similarities such as described by Harriot, one wonders if some elements of Christianity had not filtered north from Spanish claims in Florida. Alternatively, given the chauvinistic tendencies of Europeans in general and the English in particular that led to so many misunderstandings, it is quite possible that Harriot may have been simply seeing what he expected and/or desired to see. In any event, the English did not hesitate to use the Indian’s own normal fears of the unknown against them for their own advantage.During a drought, local Indians (some of the few who did engage in agricultur e, apparently) came to believe their problems had been brought on by their own actions, and offered to play to the â€Å"God of England, that he would preserve their Corne,† offering the English a portion when the harvest came in. Later, when diseases carried by the English were spread to those Indians who had no natural immunity, the English were all too happy to attribute the plague to their vengeful God for their â€Å"wicked practises† (245).In the case of Indians to whom such things had never happened and had no concept of how disease spread through bacteria and viruses, this self-serving explanation on the part of the English was all too acceptable. The Spaniards’ experiences with Indians were as varied as the Indian cultures they encountered. For example, with complex urban societies such as the Aztecs and Incas, the Spaniards were forced to deal with powers that were nearly equal to their own in terms of technology and organization; only through collabor ators within these civilizations were leaders like Cortez and Pizzaro able to succeed in their conquests.Further north, the Dine (Navajo) and Zuni presented somewhat less of a challenge. Unlike the English who came for land, the Spaniard’s main objective was plunder; gold, silver, slaves and souls. Unlike the primarily secular English expeditions, the Spaniards operated under the blessings of an aggressive Roman Catholic church, whose tool was the Holy Inquisition (rather different from the â€Å"kinder, gentler† brand of Catholicism brought by French missionaries to Indians further north).The Zuni – linguistically related to the Nez Perce, Yakama, Klamath and Modoc peoples of the Pacific Northwest, yet living in New Mexico – embraced a kind of spirituality that was completely unlike Christianity. There religion was organized into different â€Å"societies,† each of which governed a specific aspect of the community (22). In many ways, Zuni religion resembled that of the ancient Mayans; a â€Å"sun priest† known as a Pekwin kept a calendar; there was also a belief in â€Å"Hero Twins,† hearkening back to the Mayan legends of Hunahpu and Xibalanque.The Hero Twins also appear in the mythology of other Southwest peoples, including the Navajo (34). This and many other aspects of Zuni culture are revealed in their own creation myth, whose relationship with the Spaniards was hostile practically from the beginning; taken as one of the â€Å"Seven Cities of Cibola,† this sedentary, semi-urbanized, agricultural people successful drove off the initial Spaniard invasion in 1540. A Catholic mission was eventually established some ninety years later, but in 1680, the Zuni were in rebellion once again, joining other Pueblo Indians against the Spaniards.Zuni attitudes toward the Spaniards are apparent in a later version on the Zuni creation story, in which the Trickster, or â€Å"mischief-maker,† is associated wit h Mexicans, or Spaniards. The Trickster is a common figure in nearly all myths in all cultures on the planet; the late Joseph Campbell considered the Trickster as an integral part of the archetype â€Å"mythic journey,† or Hero’s Quest. The purpose of a Trickster was to lead the Hero astray, or attempt to delay or even foil the Quest.Among American Indian cultures, the Trickster could take many forms, but most frequently appeared as a Coyote. While he could be a teacher and frequently force one to confront that which they might not otherwise wish to deal with, Coyote could also be a mischief-maker. Associated Coyote with Mexicans/Spaniards had a negative connotation. In this version of the creation story, Mexicans also emerge later than the Zuni. This is yet another point of significance; like many tribal peoples, their name for themselves translates as â€Å"The People,† with the implication that others are not â€Å"people.† The name Halona-Iriwana, the Zuni pueblo, means â€Å"The Middle Ant Hill of the World,† suggesting that chauvinistic self-centeredness was not unique to the English and Spaniards. It has been suggested that this type of mentality was what allowed the Europeans to decimate the Indian populations; had all Indian peoples been able to unite against the invaders, European settlers might not have been quite as successful. The problem with this idea is in the sheer diversity of Indian peoples, not only in terms of language, but culture and even physical traits.While warfare among American Indian tribes never reached the kind of wholesale slaughter that it did among Europeans, conflict and competition for resources and prestige was still quite common. Cultural diversity may be something to treasure today, but in American history, it has had great – and often tragic – consequences. Works Cited Baird, Forrest E. and Walter Kaufman, eds. From Plato to Derrida, 4th Ed. (Upper Saddle River: Prentice H all, 1997).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My goal in life Essay

My goal in life is to become a writer. I have always been fond of books. As I am an only child I was very lonely. Both my parents worked, leaving me in the care of servants. When I grew older I was a latchkey kid who let herself into an empty house with a spare key. All I had for company was my pet kitten and a shelf full of books. Books made me forget the fact that I was lonely. I could open a book and lose myself in the world that opened up to me in its pages. I wrote my first poem when I was seven years old and my first story when I was nine. My stories and poems are often published in the school magazine. It makes me feel so proud when someone tells me that they liked my story or poem. At first I had wanted to become a doctor. But later I decided that I wanted to become a full time writer. Books have given me such pleasure and solace that I want to do the same for others through my books. Before, people could not make a living through writing alone. But now things have changed. The huge advance that writers get has meant that good writers need not worry about income. There is more prestige attached to writing too, nowadays. My parents still hope that I will become a doctor as it means a steady income and I haven’t totally given up on it. But my real love is writing. To hone my skills I continue to read a lot. The books I read range from classics to Harry Potter. I want to read all kinds of writers so that I get an exposure to different styles of writing. I am also hoping to go to the US to get a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. It will definitely go a long way to bring me closer to my goal.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Standards-Based Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Standards-Based Decision Making - Essay Example ditors are required to state whether an audit client has complied with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (G.A.A.P) when preparing financial statements (Williams, 2006). Green and Associates is an external audit firm to ABC Corporation. The audit firm may provide any of the four types of the audit opinions after completing a corporate financial audit on ABC Corporation’s financial statements. Green and Associates may provide an unqualified or ‘clean’ opinion of the company’s financial statements. An unqualified opinion is only provided when an audit firm ascertains that a company’s financial statements reflect a truthful opinion of its financial operations. The opinion also indicates that the company’s financial statements are in compliance with the G.A.A.P. An unqualified opinion is the best audit report that a company can receive from its auditors. In our opinion, ABC Corporation’s financial records provide an honest and fair view of its financial operations during the fiscal year ended 31th August and are in compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. An unqualified opinion may warrant an explanatory paragraph if the auditors feel that certain disclosures in the financial statements require a detailed explanation or when there is a change of auditors. It arises when the financial records indicate some minor deviations from G.A.A.P. The explanatory paragraph includes a detailed explanation of the auditor’s opinion. In our opinion, ABC Corporation’s financial statements require modification to expel the minor inconsistencies with the G.A.A.P, despite reflecting a true and fair view of the company’s financial operations. An audit report may provide a qualified or an ‘except for’ opinion after completing a corporate financial audit. Green and Associates may provide a qualified opinion if it believes that ABC corporation’s financial records are not in compliance with the G.A.A.P, despite representing a true

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The International Law of Human Trafficking Coursework

The International Law of Human Trafficking - Coursework Example The researcher states that no matter the high number of women working on the global issue of human trafficking is pretentious. The women who seem to work for the end of this bad practice are the ones who, in order to escape the said poverty, engage in the trafficking. They normally get away with it since their actions are less suspicious and some of their actions are backed by self-explanatory answers. A number of cases have emerged where women who are the ‘rescuers’ of trafficked women had been found to be involved. In that, they rescue some women while traffic some women. Their actions are seen as an attempt to rescue the women if found with foreign women with no proper documentation. These women have gone ahead and made empires and vast wealth with this business while pretending to be rescuing trafficked women. According to Fox news released on the March 23rd of 2015, a woman was charged with trafficking her daughter in order to get money to buy drugs. Another view al together in the cartel of human trafficking is the fact that the government has put measures and laws that protect human beings and aims at eradicating human trafficking. However, the same government bodies put to govern against this vice is working with the criminals in conducting and propelling this business. One online news center the Kaieteur online news, a paper in Guyana, exposed some police who were involved with human trafficking. The report filed by news writer Abena Rockcliffe stated that the president of Guyana women miners’ organization, Simona Broomes was against the idea of the government posting rogue police to certain areas. This comes after certain policemen were pounding to have been involved in actions that were not policing stipulated.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trip to Mexico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Trip to Mexico - Research Paper Example The researcher states that Mexico is widely known as a suitable destination for those who want to immerse in ancient civilization, relax in pristine beaches, and indulge in its rich history. As a tourist, the researcher desire to know Mexico through its culture, history, music, food, and art, so he decided to visit Guadalaraja, Jalisco and Yucatan. The researcher plans to first visit Guadalajara, Jalisco, which features Mexico’s prominent traditions such as the mariachi music, tequila, and charros (â€Å"Guadalajara†). The researcher wants to roam around Guadalajara’s cathedral, which houses the mural of Bartolome Esteban Murrillo entitled â€Å"The Assumption of the blessed Virgin† and the second largest organ in the argon (â€Å"Guadalajara†). As an architecture enthusiast, it would be very exciting for me to witness the mix architectural styles in the Guadalajara’s Cathedral. The presence of numerous museums and theaters in the city will s urely enable me to grasp the history of the country. The researcher’s second destination would be the Chichen-Itza in Yucatan. Mexico boasts rich culture and tradition even before the Spaniards came into the country. Chichen-Itza is deemed by many as the most significant archaeological remnant of Maya-Toltex civilization. The researcher wants to walk in the cobblestone once walked by Toltecs and Putun Maya. I desire to witness the temples and ruins, which are the masterpieces of the Mesoamerican architecture. Then, the researcher plans to relax in the pristine beach of Maya Riviera. His trip to Mexico would not be complete without indulging its natural wonders. I plan to visit Mexico on May 5 to 10 as it’s a period suitable for tourists who want low accommodation prices and discounts as low season begins after Easter and ends at mid-December (â€Å"When to Go†). I found a website named that tackles the must-see places in Guadalajara such a s the cathedral, Teotro Degollado and the like. Meanwhile, presents information about the city of Chichen-Itza. Works Cited Baird, David. Frommer’s Cancus, Conzumel, and the Yucatan 2010. New Jersey: Frommer’s, 2009. Print. Guadalajara. Wiki travel. Web. 2012. When to Go to Mexico. Web. 2012. 2.0 Annotated Bibliography Baird, David. Frommer’s Cancus, Conzumel, and the Yucatan 2010. New Jersey: Frommer’s, 2009. Print. The author has lived in various parts of Mexico for several years. Thus, he possesses an extensive knowledge about historical places in Mexico and its must-see places. A part of the book has tackled on the ruins of the Chichen-Itza. It highlights the monuments, temples, and plazas that will greet modern day visitors. In addition, it briefly tackled on dwellers of the ancient sites. It offers information that helps me appreciate the Chichen-Itza, the ancient civilization, and Mexico. This book, which is available at google books, caters to needs of tourists and college students. It provides relevant and current information; thus, I will give it a CRAAP score of 7. Chichen-Itza. National Geographic. Web. 2012. National Geographic is a database, which presents numerous articles about different topics. It provided information about the history of Chichen Itza. It specifically presented interesting information on the importance and accuracy of Mayan astronomy. The ancient Mayan exhibited its advanced astronomical skills through accurately predicting solar eclipses. In addition, the article highlighted the ancient tradition of sacrificing young women to the Mayan rain god. This article presents interesting information that makes me more excited in visiting Chichen Itza. This article can be found through google search. It provides helpful information for tourist, college students, and lay-person. Thus, I will give it 7 CRAAP score for its relevance and accuracy. Howells, John, and Don Merwin. Choose Mexico for Retirement: Information For Travel, Retirement, Investment, and Affordable Living. US: Globe Pequot, 2007. Print. John Howells has co-authored and authored nine travel-retirement books. He is residing at Pacific

Friday, July 26, 2019

SOCIOLOGICAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

SOCIOLOGICAL - Essay Example These social topics are studied through complex theoretical and methodological frameworks that address the broad range of concepts like positivism and anti-positivism, social structure, individual agency, materialism, globalization, modernity, post-modernity etc. The social theories aid back to the ancient Greek civilizations. Social theorizing aided the Greeks in making sense of their lives, and in questioning the value and meaning of things around them. However, in the 20th century, social theories appeared as a distinct discipline and involved critical thinking in order to gain knowledge of social behaviours through posterior methods of discovery rather than apriority methods of tradition. In order to explain social phenomena, sociologists developed several theories. Sociological theories range from grand theories to middle range and highly specific micro range theories. It is extremely difficult to cover the aspects of these broad range theories, therefore in the later sections of this report; I will broadly give an outline of the dominant sociological theories and critically discuss two sociological theories in detail. i. Functionalism: functionalism is the oldest and the most dominant approach which has served as a building block in the development of sociology as a distinct decipline. Functionalist movement was most popular from 1940’s-1950 but reached its decline in 1960’s. Overall, this theory talks about two main aspects: Scientific methods should be applied to understand the â€Å"objectivity† of the social world. It says that social sciences can be learned in the same manner as natural sciences. Functionalists view this world as â€Å"objective real†. Therefore, they emphasized that scientific methods and statistical techniques can be applied to research social phenomena. However, the research should be value-free. It should not be affected by the values, principles and perceptions of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What existentialist artists attempt to communicate through their Essay

What existentialist artists attempt to communicate through their respective work - Essay Example After thinking about my own thoughts and reading Waiting for Godot and watching Garden State, I believe that existentialist artists are attempting to communicate the message of how people let others control their decisions instead of deciding for themselves what to do in the future. In Waiting for Godot, the story revolves around the life of Vladimir and Estragon who undergo strange experiences as they seek to wait for entity identified by the name Godot whose arrival is long awaited, but not forthcoming. Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot to make the decisions for them; however, they lose track of time and self awareness of their lives. â€Å"Let’s go. We can’t. Why? We’re waiting for Godot†¦ What did we do yesterday,† (Beckett, 8-9). They are so dependent on Godot to make the decisions for them that they can’t even remember the events that happen yesterday in their lives. Through this scene, Samuel Beckett is trying to tell his readers that if they rely too much on others, then they will lose the precious memories they made throughout their life because they lost track of time of waiting for someone to forge their future. In addition, Samuel Beckett wants his readers to know how people have the strength to make their own decisions. For example, when Pozzo is trying to ask for help, Vladimir says, â€Å"Let us not waste our time in idle discourage! ... Let us make the most of it, before it is too late,† (Beckett, 90). Every individual has the choice to make an impact on other people’s daily lives. It is not up to others to make the decisions for us, but for us to. Beckett wants his reader there are many opportunities, such as saving someone, that we can take and make impact on history. Another example of individual decision making is when Vladimir realizes that Godot has not greeted them. The experiences of Vladimir and

Sociology (death and Dying) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology (death and Dying) - Essay Example However, there are also some Chinese buried in other parts of the cemetery. 2. Graves of the Filipinos are mostly flat headstones. I observed that white headstones are dominant in the cemetery. But as I walked around, I have seen also some that are black in color. These black headstones are made of granite. There are also some maroon headstones that I saw but these are very rare. In the area where most of the population is Chinese, I noticed that mausoleum is a more popular choice than flat headstones. 3. Based on my observation, I think half of the graves in Eternal Gardens are more sentimental than the other half. Some of the graves just show the name of the person who died his/her birth date, and the date of death. But those that are sentimental have some quotes like "In loving memory of" There are also some inscriptions that show the nicknames of the dead or how they were called when they were still alive followed by the phrase "is now in the loving arms of the Lord". The inscription pattern that I noticed in the cemetery is that children's graves are often engraved with images of angels. For women, the most common inscription that I saw is "A loving mother". Also, I noticed that most headstones are engraved with images of rosary and crucifix. There is no distinct pattern for men. I think inscriptions and designs of children's graves are more sentimental than others. When I passed by the mausoleums of Chinese, of cou... Maybe it is also because All Souls' Day was approaching. Some sites already have flowers that were starting to wither, but there were also some that have fresh flowers and with candles. These are the only indications that gave me the idea that the grave sites had been recently visited. Chinese mausoleums also have indications that they have been visited. The things that I saw in there were the incense sticks, some flowers, gold paper with Chinese characters, and red candles that are engraved with gold dragons. The weirdest things that I noticed in mausoleums were the food left by the relatives for the dead. It was like they are leaving the dead some food to eat, as if he/she is still alive. 5. The inscriptions and the images engraved in the headstones gave me the idea that the clients of Eternal Gardens are Catholics. As it was said in the earlier part of this paper, the headstones are often engraved with images of rosary and crucifix. The headstones of deceased children have angels on them. Also, I saw an image of Blessed Virgin Mary within the cemetery. This is why I thought that Filipinos and other clients of the cemetery are devoted Catholics. The inscription, like "A loving mother", also reveals the social status of the dead during her life on earth. I also saw an inscription like this: "A devoted husband, a loving father, and a caring brother". This inscription tells all the important roles that the dead had played when he was still alive. The Chinese characters printed on the mausoleums prove that the body lying there is a Chinese. Also, it gave the idea that those with mausoleums are richer than those with just flat headstones. 6. When I will be dead, I can see myself lying inside an urn. I

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fatal Vision Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fatal Vision - Movie Review Example This was a result of the inconsistencies found in the MacDonald evidence report. a. The investigators played a crucial in patching up the scene of crime and collecting the much needed evidence. As they go through the dead bodies they find blue pajama thread located in the master bedroom which entirely discredits the story given by MacDonald. In the pajama top there are also neat pictures, while the pathologist also finds out that in Collete’s hand there is a blond hair as well as a piece of skin on her fingernail. The investigators also found out other inconsistencies such as no splinters of the club and no threads in the living room where MacDonald claimed to have fought off the intruders as all these are found in the bedroom (IMDb, par. 6). The transcript that was prepared by the investigators is able to point out most of the inconsistent statements made by Jeff. a. The investigators made a mistake during the process of taking MacDonald to the hospital, they knock down a potted plant which they then stand it back up. This makes them to struggle in securing the original scene of crime as well as interviewing witnesses. The investigators arrive to find that some piece of rubber glove within the crime scene has been mislaid. The investigators also make a mistake when they create an incident by taking Jeff into custody so that they can get the hair samples as in the process an investigator manhandles Dennis. b. The investigators were also not able to follow through the types of knives that had been used in the scene of crime until Freddy came into the investigations. Knowing whether Jeff owned the knives was crucial for the investigation and they failed to trace all this. The father-in-law who was a retiree spent around 9 years without giving up trying to get evidence and prove that his son-in-law, who was previously worked in the army as a Beret Army Doctor, killed his two children and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Aspects of Project Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aspects of Project Planning - Assignment Example The paper tells that critical activity are those, which when delayed will affect the overall project duration, and therefore determine the shortest time required to complete the project. All other activities are non-critical. The critical activities for this project are "Obtaining passport" and "Obtaining visas". Though the project manager should primarily focus on the critical activities, she should also monitor activities with low slack as these have the potential of becoming critical. The manager would benchmark the planned time with other similar projects completed. In case historical data is not available, the project manager would evaluate the probabilities associated with each activity duration to arrive at the "Most Likely", "Optimistic", and "Pessimistic" project durations. The manager would benchmark the planned time with other similar projects completed. In case historical data is not available, the project manager would evaluate the probabilities associated with each acti vity duration to arrive at the "Most Likely", "Optimistic", and "Pessimistic" project durations. The advantage of a network is that the interdependencies between various activities are captured effectively. CPA allows the project manager to focus on the critical activities and allocate resources efficiently, and helps to decide which activities to "crash". Its disadvantage is that it is complex, and unlike other planning tools like Gantt chart is not easily interpreted by everybody. A work package is a subset of a project that can be assigned to a specific party for execution. Such work packages are identified as sub-levels of the WBS. For example, Colin can entrust the Level 1 activity of obtaining the bank loan to a family member, who can execute this work package a separate sub-project. The analysis is important as it allows the project manager to plan, monitor and control the project. It also forms an important Management Information System (MIS) tool for the senior management.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Importance of English in Pakistan Essay Example for Free

Importance of English in Pakistan Essay As time is passing, the language of the English men and Americans seems to grow in significance. English is becoming the most common form of communication in the world and most of the countries in the world have their academic curriculum being taught in English. It is time for Pakistan to also make a shift from the Urdu medium system of education to the English system because its the need of the hour. Since independence, Urdu was promoted to become the language to be used in all factions of the country. However as time passed people started realizing that international standards required them to learn a language which is understood by majority of the world. The people of Pakistan realized that for their country to develop they need to know how to communicate in English or they will be lost in the competing forces of the world. The British education system was introduced after few years of independence. People started shifting from the local Urdu medium education to the British education system. However the transition took a lot of time as private school sector was very small in the beginning. Only the elite could educate their children with the British education system as it was very expensive. However when the trend of private schools began to emerge, students from a British educational background were preferred for jobs all over the country. The government of Pakistan realized the growing importance of English and then made English as a compulsory language to be taught in all schools. English continues to be the source of communication in both the private and government offices. In this era of globalization with increasing amounts of international trade one needs to know how to communicate in English. People in Pakistan are in continuous contact with international traders and all of them have to communicate in English. The various business software used in organizations such as Multinational Companies and Banks are all in English and one needs to be totally familiar with the language to operate them. There are various critics who believe that English is harmful for the country. They argue that our culture and our traditions require Urdu to be the language for all purposes. They say that by adopting English we are going to forget our culture and lose our identity as English is not what defines us. The trend of communicating in English has grown to the extent that the elite of the country use English as the medium to communicate with their friends and family in daily life. The younger generation feels inferior if they can not communicate in English properly. Many of the young children have a stronger grip of English than Urdu. Majority of the population in the country now prefers the British education system and public schools are only filled by people of the lower income class who could not afford private education. No doubt learning English is very important for the people of Pakistan but they should not forget that it is not the language which defines them or their culture. English should be used as a medium of education but the value of the mother language Urdu should not be undermined.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of Nursing Informatics in Health Care

Role of Nursing Informatics in Health Care The Role of Nursing Informatics at Cleveland Clinic Foundation The Informatics system at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) plays an essential role in supporting the delivery of quality patient care and to improve patient satisfaction, features that are very important to maintain the Magnet Status achieved by the Clinic. As the CCF mission statement highlights, the goal of the Clinic is to support nursing care and achieve good outcomes along with patient satisfaction. This goal was reached by creating an informatics system that allows an easy access to data information, ensures easy communication between health care providers and promotes nursing and patient education. The mission of CCF is to support evidence-based nursing practice and improved patient outcomes with technology solutions that enhance nursing communication, documentation and efficiency ( Nursing Informatics: Nursing past, present and future section, para. 1). Cleveland Clinics Nursing Informatics implemented an electronic medical record system, called Epic System that is using high technology and considers professional and clinical experience to manage the patients information, to improve work, and to deliver higher quality health care for its clients. Nurses and Physicians have easy access to the system, being able to view data and collect necessary information, provide quality client care and document the patients condition. health care professionals can document through the electronic medical record system the medical care that was provided to the patients and the patients responses to the care given. The Epic System is used not only by nursing professionals, but by a large variety of allied health care departments, too. For example respiratory therapists can document aerosol treatments administered to their patients, adjustments in ventilator settings and the patients response to these interventions. The pharmacy department uses the i nformation system to access patients data such as medical reconciliation, medications profile, including current and home medications , demographics, health history and medical diagnosis. In this way it will be reducing significantly medication errors. The physicians consider Epic System to be very useful for them, because allows them to easily find their patients file in the system, allowing access to the patients prior doctors visits and health information, laboratory results, radiology test results as well as interdisciplinary consult results and recommendations. The physicians orders for medications and treatments can be easily entered into the system through the computerized physician order entry feature of the system (CPOE). This has high significance in reducing medication errors and in delivering care in a timely manner. The CCF website presents a clear explanation about the Informatics systems role in obtaining and maintaining the high standard achieved by the clinic: Nursing Informatics, in collaboration with the Information Technology Division, is  Implementing an electronic medical records system from Epic Systems of Madison,  WI.   Electronic documentation of the patients medical record is transforming  clinical practice for nursing, allied health and medical practitioners at the Cleveland  Clinic. After using Epic Care successfully in ambulatory outpatient services for two  years, the Clinic is currently undergoing a phased implementation of the Epic  system in the inpatient setting-enabling health care providers to examine any  patient record across the entire continuum of care in all Cleveland Clinic facilities  (Nursing Informatics: More information about the Nursing Informatics specialty  section, para. 4). Another important aspect of the Informatics system in the nursing care provided at CCF is that it contributed significantly to the improvement of communication between medical professionals by improving the accuracy and the speed of communication. It comes very convenient for the physicians to access the computer system from any location, either inpatient or outpatient locations, or either from the comfort of his or her home or office or even while on the golf course or at the mall (Hebda, Czar Mascara, 2005, p.126), to enter orders for the patient. By doing so, the system alerts all departments to carry out physician orders. For example when ordering a chest X-ray for the patient, the radiology department will automatically place a transportation order for the patient, to be transported from the nursing floor to the radiology department. Through the nursing communication tool, the physician can communicate to the nursing staff about withholding diet or medications as preparation for specific tests or even surgery. The same way, the physician, can interpret radiological results in a timely manner, by checking the radiography evaluation report placed in the computer system, without the need to walk to the radiology department to read the film. In this way it could be saved precious time that could save another patients life. A different feature of the Informatics System used at the CCF is that provides a large variety of choices for patient and nursing education, offering multiple educational resources at different levels. For patient education purposes, the CCF intranet has a link called patient education that consists of information edited in a simple language, easily comprehensible for non-healthcare personal. This site provides information about specific medications, including their side effects, indications and contraindications; also gives information about diseases or home going discharge instructions, regarding activity, diet, signs and symptoms of complications and many other subjects. The CCF television channel has information about diabetes, advice for smoking cessation, anti-coagulation administration, or techniques to reduce and manage stress, etc. This way patients can be easily educated towards a better understanding of the healing process and can actively participate to their care. At the same time, the CCF Intranet provides valuable information for physicians and nurses that improve their knowledge related to medical diagnoses, policies and procedures as well as giving them the chance of updating themselves with the newest technologies used. The CCFs Alumni Library has commonly used medical sites like Up to Date, Medline that are handy to use when more information are needed about a healthcare related issue. The COMET helps nurses and nursing aids to maintain an updated level of nursing education, reinforcing policies and standards required by the clinic. According to its definition, the Nursing Informatics has a primary role in delivering high quality nursing care,  Nursing Informatics is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science,  and information science to manage and communicate data, information, and  knowledge in nursing practice. Nursing informatics facilitates the integration of  data, information and knowledge to support patients, nurses and other providers in  their decision-making in all roles and settings. This support had been accomplished through  the use of information structures, information processes, and information  technology (ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Informatics Practice, 2001, pg vii). The convenience of the Informatics system of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation is represented, by easy access to patient data, and resources for patient and nursing education. The valuable communication tool between health care providers, contributed tremendously in attaining high standards in patient care and their satisfaction. All these features are essential factors that helped the Cleveland Clinic to achieve the great award of Magnet Hospital.

Green Marketing Differs From Traditional Marketing Marketing Essay

Green Marketing Differs From Traditional Marketing Marketing Essay Green Marketing can be defined as the holistic management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying the needs of customers and society, in a profitable and sustainable way. Therefore, one can say that green marketing is a careful integration of social and environmental requirements with the economic desires of the company. Green marketing is also known as environmental, sustainable and eco marketing. Green Marketing differs from Traditional Marketing Differences between green marketing and traditional marketing can be seen from various aspects. Green marketing expands on the fundamental functions of traditional marketing. Consequently, green marketing can achieve goals that traditional marketing cannot meet. For example, green marketing not only focuses on the direct benefit of a product but also on long term environmental benefits. Traditional marketing involves soliciting new customers by using television advertising, print advertising, direct mail and telemarketing. This is known as outbound marketing where focus is on push strategies. Green marketing by contrast uses inbound marketing where the focus is a pull strategy. According to Cordero (2012); Inbound marketing works by creating content that people actually want to see, encouraging potential clients to seek out the company being marketed, rather than the company seeking out people. Social media is the primary marketing platform for inbound marketing. By linking the companys website with external social media sites such as: YouTube, Facebook and Twitter; along with blogs. All these platforms form an interactive media that fosters interaction with potential customers. Why Green? Green marketing has been growing rapidly since it came into existence; it is not only leading companies to environmental protection, but also creates job opportunities and opens new markets. Green Marketing has emerged as a mainstream marketing tool in business over the last decade. With the mobilisation of socio-environmental groups and the vastly increased sources of information in society it is no longer possible for companies to ignore green. Thus green marketing has evolved enough to become significant for the long term sustainability of companies. Filho, et al. (2008), state; The growing concerns with the environment, increased competition, and customer demands are immediate challenges to green marketing. And according to the Harvard Sustainability Initiative, (2012); Companies are under growing pressure to be accountable not only to shareholders, but also to stakeholders such as employees, consumers, suppliers, local communities, policymakers, and society-at-large. Socio-environmentalism (sustaining the future of our Planet) has become a leading concern for all. They are leading motivations for change and reform. Society needs to pressure environmental reform to safeguard the future of our planet for future generations. Table 1 below lists some of the more pertinent socio-environmental concerns; Global Warming Finite Natural Resources Water Waste Management Deforestation Pollution Synthetic Chemicals Genetically Modified Foods Table Socio-Environmental Concerns Green Drivers Figure 1 below demonstrates the green drivers affecting sustainable marketing. Green drivers are divided into two categories: internal drivers and external drivers. Figure 1 Summary of green drivers Environmental Management Catalysts (Khanna, 2005) cited by (Valentine, 2009) External Drivers External drivers include stakeholder pressures, regulation and competition. Figure 2 below lists the various sources of stakeholder pressures. Figure sources of stakeholder pressures Company strategies are often strongly motivated by competition. Competitive analysis is a key element in the strategic direction of the company. The company must ask itself what are the competition doing and how can we gain use from that information to create a competitive advantage. In many cases green marketing is about reacting to industry movements towards green policies. Government legislation and regulations are often driven by demand from society and environmental concerns have increasingly become key election agendas over the last 20 years. Governments are now compelled to implement new regulations at an accelerated rate. For example the EU has implemented the EU Sustainable Development Strategy  (SDS).The SDS sets out the objective of achieving improvement of the quality of life for present and future generations. Prosperity, environmental protection and social cohesion are to be achieved through sustainable communities which are able to manage resources efficiently and to tap into the ecological and social innovation potential of the economy. The SDS supports the EU in evaluating, monitoring, developing and improving the EUs collective carbon footprint. For a company to be truly green it needs its entire supply chain to be green as well. The Company needs to know all subcontractors, which are providing support to main suppliers, practice have green responsibility at the core of their business. A company is only as green as its least green supplier. Local Communities have become increasingly aware of the environment in their vicinity. While they are always thankful for job creation, local communities are less tolerant of company caused environmental and social negatives. GIY Ireland is a social society that encourages members to grow their own food stocks. GIY would be less necessary if produce was sourced locally and sold at reasonable prices. Green activist groups such as Greenpeace can have a very public and damaging effect on companies. They through societal support have the means of lobbying governments and creating campaigns that reduce profits. By going green companies can reduce the impact of activist groups. Internal Drivers Sustainable marketing has emerged as a vibrant economic source of profits. The overall market for green marketing is said to be worth $ 3.5 trillion by the year 2017 (Global Industry Analysts Inc. 2011). Any company interested in growth and profits should have a desire to share in this growth sector. Odell (2007) explains that graduates are now looking to environmentally friendly companies first when seeking employment. She also states employees working at companies with clear corporate responsibility (CSR) programs, including environmental and social programs, are most satisfied. Savvy companies realise that green increases competitive advantage in recruiting, brand reputation, employee recruitment and retention. Corporate Social Responsibility According to the Harvard sustainability initiative (2012), CSR encompasses not only what companies do with their profits, but also how they make them. It addresses how companies manage their economic, social, and environmental impacts, as well as their relationships in all key spheres of influence: the workplace, the marketplace, the supply chain, the community, and the public policy realm. CSR implies that sustainability starts with the senior management and permeates throughout the company, where the corporate level is active in guiding the company strategy with social and environmental concerns addressed along with profit. Wiley cited by Odell (2012) states, Those organizations that have a clear CSR policy set themselves apart from the competition in terms of employment brand. Partaking in CSR activities not only has positive societal effects, but also increases an organizations competitive advantage. To be effective CSR must be: Voluntary, Transparent, and Credible, Integrated into organisation culture, provide value for organisation, stakeholders and society and work diligently with sustainable strategies. Sustainability Sustainability is about ensuring a greater quality of life for current and future generations. Kolter (2011) states, Companies must address the issue of sustainability. Sustainability raises the question whether this generation can leave future generations with the same or a larger basket of resources than we have now. According to Paul Hawken (2012), The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them. Figure 3 below illustrates how social, economic and environment integration form the sustainability direction of a company. Figure the triple bottom line Sustainability Triumvirate (Greenlaw, 2011) C:UsersLeon BehalAppDataLocalTempNew Picture (1).bmp The idea of sustainability is to reconcile the needs of society, the environment and the companys profits to create long-term shareholder value (Greenlaw, 2011). Sustainability and green marketing are evolving as growing drivers of business in the post-recession world. As part of this agenda savvy consumers are pressuring companies to become transparent with their business practices. No longer is it acceptable to be solely for profit maximisation. Unilever is a recognised advocate of sustainability and CSR, as evidenced by their Sustainable Living Plan (SLP). SLP offers transparency and clarity about Unilevers sustainability targets and progress reports. Greenwashing According to GIA (2012) Greenwashing refers to exaggerated green claims and falsified green claims and is a major challenge for industry, as it leads to consumer scepticism pertaining to such green claims. Despite the risks associated with greenwashing companies continue to practice this. Kock Industries is an US based conglomerate, with interests in multiple environmentally damaging industries such as: mining, oil, and chemicals. Kock Industries actively lobbies the US government against global warming and other green concerns, and has also incurred $400 million in environmental fines and judgements over a four year period in the early 2000s. Despite this Kock Industries website proclaims sustainability and CSR as core elements of its strategic direction. Monsato LLC is a US owned publicly traded company. Like Kock industries Monsato claims sustainability and CSR as key themes in its strategy. Monsato is a global leader in genetically modified foods. There primary focus is on seeds, and they have even obtained patents on these products. Terminator seeds are seeds without reproduction capabilities created by Monsato. The long term effects of terminator seeds on the seed gene pool are unpredictable and should never be commercialised. Green Myopia Companies should strive to avoid Green Myopia, where products are absolutely green and alienate their customer base. The primary reason for being green is to create customer satisfaction through motivating and providing green benefits. It is very difficult to get consumers to switch brands without meeting satisfaction criteria, and absolute green in general will disappoint consumers. Another alienating possibility is overpricing, consumers will select the best alternative is the price differential is too great. Green Consumers NBC Universal the US media conglomerate proposes that consumers conform to one of four green consumer categories. Figure 4 below identifies the four categories as: true brown, potential green, thinking green and behavioural green. Figure Green Consumer Types based on NBC Universal Model True Brown consumers are the hardnosed anti-green types. They are likely to actively seek out non green products and usually apathetic about environmental concerns and are seeking traditional marketing benefits, such as quality, price. They will not go out of their way to source green products. Potential Green (PG) consumers are green aware, but do not actively buy green. PGs need effective encouragement to buy green and their purchases may be coincidental. Think Green (TG) consumers have an interest in favouring green, but it must be convenient. TGs will go non-green when not positively motivated. According to Vernekar and Wadhwa (2011), Consumers with neither strong positive nor strong negative attitudes towards green products are more likely to be persuaded by a non-green benefits message than a green message. Behavioural green (BG) consumers are passionately green. BG consumers are often environmental advocates and only buy eco-friendly or neutral products. BG consumes strongly favour green products, but distrust green advertising. Thus careful consideration needs to be placed on where green marketing is utilised. Green Consumer Segments There are many types of green consumer segments including: resource conservers, health fanatics, animal lovers, and outdoor enthusiasts. It is important to use green strategies effectively when targeting favourable consumer demographics. The 4 Ps of Green Price: Although many consumers state willingness to pay slightly more for green products, the price needs to remain close to alternatives to attract less green consumers. There must be a careful balance between: profits, productivity, environment and people. To justify extra charges green products should offer increased product value through: performance, function, design. Product: Green products need proof of reduction of resource consumption, pollution. Eco-friendly products can state there green as a differentiating factor. Product labelling trends include: energy saving, organic, green chemicals, local sourcing. Companies can label products green simply by using eco-friendly packaging. Place: Companies can reduce their carbon footprint by: managing logistics, such as transport costs, and raw materials sourcing. Companies should carefully consider where and when to sell green products. Many consumers will travel out of their way to buy green, but most want ease of access and will buy non-green when convenient. Promotion: Matching marketing mix to customer green needs by: focusing on relationship between product/ service and environment, promoting green lifestyle benefits. Corporate image is important and CSR demonstrates commitment to green. Social media plays a central role in promoting the activities of green companies. There is even scope for consumer interaction and tastemaker associations from this platform. Green Strategies Industry green norms and potential green market size are key issues for companies looking to gain competitive advantage with green marketing. Companies should consider the likely size of green markets in its industry as well as how can they differ their green products or services from their competitors ones before they take steps on going green. C:UsersLeon BehalAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.WordNew Picture (15).bmp Figure the Four Green Strategy Positions There are four types of green strategies: Lean Green, Defensive Green, Shaded Green and Extreme Green. Figure 5 above illustrates the need for companies to identify their position in regards to substantiality of green market segments and differentiability of greenness in order to choose the right strategy to enter a green market. Promotions tools adopted by this strategy are rather quiet such as public relations versus mass advertising. According to Ginsberg and Bloom (2004), the Shaded Green strategy puts some secondary emphasis on greenness in its more overt promotional efforts and also pursues green product development as well. Finally, they also state, Extreme Green strategy involves heavy use of all four marketing mix elements, including place as distribution systems, massive advertising, retailers etc. Applying the 4Ps of Green Product Price Place Promotion Lean X Defensive X X Shaded X X X Extreme X X X X Table : Applying 4Ps to Green Strategies Differences among these four green strategies can be seen by considering how the 4Ps of the marketing mix are utilised in each strategy. The Lean Green strategy is the one who mainly focuses on product development, design and manufacturing, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). The Defensive Green strategy also pursues greenness in product section but additionally, it involves the promotional aspect of the marketing mix. Lean Green Companies that choose lean green strategy indicate that they are low at both substantiality of green market segments and differentiability of greenness. Lean greens are interested in reducing costs and improving efficiencies at the same time through pro-environmental activities. Their initial competitive advantage would be a lower-cost advantage instead of green one. Because they are at a very low position in both dimensions, they are not focused on publicizing or marketing their green initiatives, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). Lean greens are not often motivated to promote their green activities or green product attributes because of the fear of being held up to a higher standard; and they are not always able to live up to it or differentiate themselves from competitors, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). Coca Cola can be characterised as a lean green company. Most consumers are not aware that the company has invested heavily in various cycling activities and package modifications. Because the wide target market and brand breadth of the company, Coca Cola has chosen not to market its effort even though it is concerned about the environment. Defensive Green Defensive green companies usually see green marketing as a precautionary measure, or as a response to a crisis or a response to a competitors actions. They seek to enhance brand image and mitigate damage, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). They recognise green marketing is important and profitable but they cannot afford to go green. Their environmental initiatives seem to be sincere, but their efforts to promote these initiatives are rather sporadic and temporary because they are not able to differentiate themselves from their competitors on greenness. Defensive greens do not normally launch an overt and significant green campaign because aggressive promotions could be wasteful and would create expectations that cannot be met. They pursue actions such as small environmentally friendly events and programs. An example would the Gap Inc. Gap has long promoted energy conservation and waste reduction. However Gap was criticised by environmental activists and press due to the involvement with an environmentally unfriendly company that was owned by Gaps CEOs relatives. Luckily, the company managed to weather the attack with a measured, quieter response through public relations. Shaded Green Shaded green companies invest in long-term, system wide, environmentally friendly processes that require a financial and non-financial commitment. According to Ginsberg and Bloom (2004), these companies see green marketing as an opportunity to develop innovative needs-satisfying products and technologies that result in a competitive advantage. Shaded green companies are well able to differentiate themselves from competitors on greenness but they chose to stress other attributes of the product with better financial returns possible. They primarily promote the direct, tangible benefits of the products and environmental benefits are only promoted as a secondary factor. Toyota Prius can be characterised as shaded green. The brand is advertised as an environmentally advanced, fuel efficient hybrid. In fact, upon Launch in the US market the Prius environmental attributes were not stressed; the company focused on advertising fuel efficiency of the car. Extreme Green Extreme green companies use a holistic approach with environmental green values shaping there philosophy. Environmental concerns are fully integrated in the business and product life-cycle processes. Extreme green companies pursue actions such as life-cycle pricing approaches, total-quality environmental management and manufacturing for the environment, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). Extreme companies often serve niche market and sell their products through boutique stores and specialty channels. Honest Tea is one of the fast growing organic tea companies in the natural foods industry. Social responsibility is embedded in its identity and purpose from manufacturing to marketing its products, Ginsberg and Bloom (2004). Green Energy Unfortunately Green Marketing and sustainability is dependent upon green energy for long term effectiveness. It is only when companies source their energy needs from renewable energy sources that they may be considered truly green advocates. Fossil fuels are a leading cause of global warming, and are a finite resource. Industry needs to prepare for the eventuality of a future without oil. Alternative or green energy resources include water, wave, wind, solar, geothermal, etc. Although alternative energy resources are being developed at a rapid rate however they are still too costly in comparison to hydro carbon based energy. Case Studies Case Study 1: SCFI ® Super Critical Fluids International Water conservation has become a real pressing socio-environmental concern. SCFI is an Irish based and owned water reclaiming company. SCFIs patented AquaCritox ® is a revolutionary technology which can completely destroy organic wastes and generate renewable energy. SCFI is a B2B and B2G provider and is currently considered one of the greenest companies on the planet. With water scarcity becoming a very real possibility in the future, water purification processes are becoming paramount for the sustainability of our planet. SCFI is a leading exponent of water reclamation from waste technology. Their balsamaceous water reclamation process is a vast improvement on previous technologies in their sector; Aquacritox offers 99.98% efficiency rating. Evidence that SCFI is generating positive feedback on its Aquacrotix ® technology can be seen by its coverage by Discovery Channels Green Planet show, and nominations for multiple green energy awards. Case study 2: The Body Shop The very first The Body Shop store opens in 1976 in England and ever since it came into the market, it has been taking steps on protecting the environment. In 1985, the Body Shop sponsored posters for the Green Peace and one year later, the Body Shop launched its very first major window campaign save the whale with the Green Peace. The Body Shop has made a commitment to reduce impact on the environment by reducing energy that it consumes and to generate less waste. Steps are as follows: Reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by reducing consumption of hydro- carbon fuels, through electricity, heating and transport cost reductions. Reduce waste by 50% Reduce domestic water use by 25% The Body Shop has joined the Carbon Reduction Commitment and it is the first global cosmetic company to join the commitment. It also focuses on against animal testing by supporting Cruelty Free International. However the body shop has been acquired by LOreal and its greenness is diluted as a result, because youre only as green as your weakest affiliates. Case study 3 Volkswagen Volkswagen the German owned automobile industry giant has a reputation of being consistently ahead of the competition in regards to green initiatives and green product development. Volkswagen has a long history of providing affordable and economical vehicles. The Volkswagen ThinkBlue Symphony advert (2012), shows a historical timeline of Volkswagens consistent fuel economy policy. ThinkBlue inspired by their 1960s think small United States advertising campaign; designed to popularise the Beetle model car. The advert is designed to demonstrate the journey from think small to ThinkBlue. Table 3.1 below summarises the timeline of events presented in the ThinkBlue advert. TimeLine Product Benefits Progression 1959 Beetle Efficient mobility 1960s Camper Van Efficient mobility people carrier 1974 Golf Era begins Fuel efficiency 1993 Turbo Injection Diesel TDI Fuel economy, remains ranked as one of the most fuel efficient on market 1999 Lupo 3 litres per 100Km first mass production car ever to achieve 2005 Polo BlueMotion CO2 emissions reductions, one of most economic cars on market 2006 TSI Turbo injection petrol engines 2014? XL1 prototype 1 litre fuel per 100km 2014 Golf Blue-e-Motion Electric Vehicles, 150km per charge Table Volkswagen Green Product Evolution Take for example their entry into the USA market with the Beetle; a market that was notoriously favouring larger model vehicles. They have consistently delivered cars that have industry leading fuel consumption rates. Take for example their introduction of the Turbo Diesel Injection (TDI) Golf model, a model that is still considered to be amongst the most efficient in its class. While Hybrid vehicles have become mainstream products in recent years and Volkswagen have the Tourneg in this class; they have decided to enter the riskier fully electric market using their celebrated Golf brand. The automotive industry is still closely associated with environmental damaging industries like oil, and mining. Despite this Volkswagen has made significant strides in the last generation to move towards greener products. The Golf Blue-e-Motion is just the start of a new wave of vehicles becoming available through green innovation and marketing. Insights Recommendations Companies interested in green marketing should carefully analyse which green strategy is best suited to their products, services and processes, and match their strategy to the relevant consumer segments. Companies should be self-organising rather than regulated or morally mandated. Paul Hawken states that by embracing a restorative (rather than destructive) economy, companies can begin to repair the abyss between ecology and business. He also believes that business is the chief cause of the most destructive abuses of the environment, but crucially business is potentially the most persuasive driver of environmentalism, through green marketing and sustainability. Engaging in Greenwashing is a very real and dangerous practice for companies to engage in. Brand image is essential for the growth of any company. If the company becomes associated with greenwashing and or environmental crisis, it could become a fatal error in judgement. Even though it is difficult for certain industries to be seen as environmentally friendly, companies in these industries must endeavour to have green products, processes or services in their portfolio. Green myopia is also a potentially harmful viewpoint, if a company becomes too green it risks alienating its target market, thus reducing demand for its products. A careful balance of social, ecological, technological and financial gain is the desired result of going green. Green products must offer better alternatives to existing products, be accessible, and easy to understand. They should also educate/inform consumers of their benefits, as a lack of knowledge is a significant barrier of green marketing. The perception of green lifestyles is a problem, and this is an area where packaging design and functionality become an issue. Green alternatives should be quality and functionally superior, comparative in price, provide labelling that is believable, and easy to find. It is only when functionality and quality are superior that consumers will be willing to pay a premium price. Companies need to create green supply chains, especially if like Unilever they are presenting green marketing as a key element of its CSR and sustainability policies. With consumers having unlimited access through social media to company information and their green activities, it is no longer possible to simply state a companys green agenda. A critical eye should be focused on the companys own green processes and the commitment of its upper management commitment. Senior executives / management should also cultivate this corporate culture. The organisation and its people should support a truly green strategy in order for it to succeed. In addition, it is important to educate consumers about the products as well. Another key element is credibility. Having a good reputation to start with can go a long way in helping to ease consumers scepticism. Companies with socially responsible values will appear more credible to its target audiences. Greenlaw (2011), states that failure to truly adopt sustainability will become a risk factor in the future, where it will affect customers, employees and potential investors. Conclusion Joel Makower founder and executive editor, , states; Green marketing is a potent engine for creating business value through innovation, while fomenting genuine societal change. While Paul Hawken states; Business is the only mechanism on the planet today powerful enough to produce the changes necessary to reverse global environmental and social degradation. Business can save the planet through working with society and the environment in a symbiotic relationship. It is societys responsibility to drive Business to adopt green marketing strategies: while it is organisations responsibility to encourage society to actively use their green products. Sharing responsibility is the future of green. Sustainability is the leading zeitgeist of modern western society. It is no longer acceptable for business to be solely focused on wealth maximisation. Figure Sustainable Planet Appendices

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mans Effect On The Environment Essay -- essays research papers

Man’s Effect on the Environment 1) SOURCES OF POLLUTION Freshwater Environments : Man pollutes freshwater all over the world in many ways there is much waste and pollution that ends up in rivers. One of the main hazards is called eutrophication, this process becomes enriched with artificial nutrients from fertilisers which run off into the rivers and upset the natural nutrient cycle of the river, lake or pond. The water turns green because of the algae which when they die multifly using up all the oxygen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Similar consequences occur if raw sewage is pumped into a river. Chemical waste from factories dump their un wanted waste into rivers, lakes or ponds as well. One major component that effects the water wildlife is the insecticide DDT which damages animal tissue and is dangerous to humans , this can be passed along the foodchain. Marine Environments : 80% of the waste which is pumped into the sea each year is produced by dredging, 10% is industrial waste and 10% is sewage. Some of the consiquences due to this are :- presence of toxic substances and the rapid uptake of contaminants by marine organisms to name but a few. Oil spillages either by tankers or offshore ridges cause devistating effects on the local environments. Oil is extremely dense which means it floats on top of the water and can kill fish and birds, ruin beaches but nothing as yet has been invented to deal with this major problem. Dangerous metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead are also dumped into the sea. All of these examples have the ability to kill and damage the environment around it. Agricultural Environments : Unwanted plants or insects are nowadays killed with by herbicides and insecticides, in this case chemical rather than biological are used. Pesticides have the ability to damage the local environment, while herbicides may kill wild flowers as well as weeds and insecticides may kill Kris Charik R10D harmful pests but it can also kill butterflies and moths. Some of these chemicals are even dangerous to humans as well. 2) FIVE MAJOR POLLUTANTS: SULPHUR DIOXIDE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sulphur Dioxide comes from both car and factory emissions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sulphur Dioxide is a poisonous gas which can kill plants and is the main gas that is involved in Acid Rain. Oil   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oil can be spil... ...he U.S, Britain, Canada and Russia. It is not as efficient as coal as a fuel because it has a high water and ash content. Wood this is a good Biofuel as it provides 13% of the world’s energy. As wood is used so much in the poorer countries and is insufficiently burnt resources are slowly decreasing in such countries as Africa and Asia. Nowadays there are special trees which can grow more quickly therefore it is possible in the right plants wood can produce substantial amounts of energy. Kris Charik R10D Alcohol can be made during fermentation and can be used in cars as fuel. It’s main advantage is that it is more enviromentaly friendly. It can also be used to make such things as perfumes, lacquer and explosives. 8)POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT : The Government wants more people to do more in the way of giving the poorer waste food and say that we should help them as much as we can. The government has also set up charities which raise money in order to give help to particulary the extremely poor countries by using T.V adverts to raise the money. Oxfam is possibly the most well known charity that helps poor countries, Oxfam however mainly helps such countries as India and Africa.

Friday, July 19, 2019

How Bernard Malamuds, The Natural, uses Style to potray Historical events in his era :: essays research papers

Each writer is influenced in many different ways, but, in general, most of their inspiration comes from those events occurring within the era they are living in. They also use various different techniques or styles to portray those events in their writings. Bernard Malamud wrote a novel, published in 1952, called The Natural. This novel used numerous different stylistics elements to reveal the impact sports had in the late 1940s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One central stylistic element used, in The Natural, to show the impact of sports, in the late 1940s, was structure. The sequencing of the novel is immensely different from the majority of novels. It begins with Roy Hobbs (the main character), at nineteen years of age, when he is aspiring to become a famous baseball player. Almost everyone thinks that he is too young to become a ball player except for one man, Sam Simpson. He became Roy Hobbs’s manager and was taking him too tryout for the Chicago cubs. Ever since he seen him play in high school he believed he had what it took to make it. The ones that didn’t believe in Roy Hobbs Sam Simpson would tell them, â€Å" Well, like I said, he’s young, but he certainly mowed them down in the Northwest High School league last year† (Malamud 14). But, Sam Simpson is killed later on in that chapter, on the way to Roy Hobbs's tryout. No one else is willing to give him a change due to his age, despi te his great high school record for through the most no hitters in high school baseball history. Then, in the next chapter, Batter Up! Part I, it skips to fifteen years later when he gets his first chance to become a baseball player. In the beginning Pop Fisher, manager of the New York knights, did not want to sign him due to his age. Fisher is heard telling him, â€Å" Thirty-four --Holy Jupiter, mister, you belong in an old man’s home, not baseball† (42). But this did not matter because Judge, the owner, had already signed him for a four year contract with the knights. Fisher wanted to contest the contract, yet had no one else to put in his place. So he decided to give him a chance. Finally, the novel reaches the ending of his career, when the Knights are at their peek. Roy Hobbs gets horribly ill and is incapable of playing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Coastal Restoration in Louisiana Essay -- Environmental Management

Geologically speaking, Louisiana is a very young state. Environmentally speaking, Louisiana is a very fragile state. Louisiana has always been dependent upon the nutrient rich deposits from the Mississippi River to build up the land. Centuries ago the Mississippi River periodically changed its course, building up Louisiana one delta at a time. The erosional forces of the Gulf of Mexico and annual hurricanes depleted Louisiana’s coastline, but the mighty Mississippi River would replenish the land losses. Such is the relationship that forces of nature have with one another. Place mankind in the mix, and the relationship becomes stressed and dysfunctional. The present day Louisiana coastline is a mere shadow of its former self. Let’s look at how Louisiana came to its current demise and what is being done to rectify the situation. Historical Data As sea level rose and fell over Louisiana in previous centuries, the Mississippi River carried large loads of sediment to the Gulf Coastal area from the core of the North American continent and deposited it on the rim of the Gulf of Mexico. Prior to the twentieth century, 5 million acres of land were compliments of the large influxes of mud from the river’s mammoth basin, extending from Montana to New York State. Organic matter from highly productive marine waters has been deeply buried under the whole state and far offshore, turning into petroleum. During other dry periods, large beds of salt were laid down through evaporation. Human engineering has temporarily tamed the river, most of the time, preventing it from dumping its valuable land building sediment all over the place. As a result, coastal Louisiana is sinking out of sight, starved of fresh material. The Mississippi Delta was... ... University of New Orleans. "That's not even possible. The goal is to restore healthy natural processes, then live with what you get." (Bourne) Sounds like a good attitude to this happy Cajun. Works Cited Alden, Andrew. Guide. 4 December 2010 . Bourne, Joel K. National Geographic Society -Environment-The Big Uneasy. 4 December 2010 . State of LA, Gov. Bobby Jindal. Coastal Protection and Restoration. 4 December 2010 . Tibbetts, John. "Environmental Health Perspectives." January 2006. Louisiana-A lesson in Nature Appreciation Vol. 114, Number 1. 4 December 2010 .

Obama Victory Speech 2008

In Obama’s speech, he uses many inclusive pronouns such as ‘we’ and ‘our’. This shows that they are all the same; by doing this it creates a sense of unity among the audience. This is effective because it gets the audience on his side; if he used exclusive pronouns such as ‘you’, it would make the audience feel less united. He also says ‘America can change’, by doing this he personifies and metonymies ‘America’. This is effective as it makes the people think about what he means by ‘America’ in that context, he could have easily said the ‘people of America’ but that would be very dull.We also see here again that he uses ‘America’ in a united sense. This all links in with the semantic field of the speech, of ‘the American Dream’, which is all based on peace and unity among the people of America. Another technique Obama uses are exophoric references and anecdotes, such as â€Å"She’s a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voices heard in this election except for one thing – Ann Nixon cooper is 106 years old. †This is effective in the speech as help explain the point Obama makes to the audience. It is also something the audience can relate to .He also waits until right at the end to say â€Å"Ann Nixon cooper is 106 years old,† this turns a sentence about someone ordinary into someone extraordinary. Apart from the general references he makes, there are also very famous ones, such as ‘A man touched down on the moon’ and ‘a preacher told a people ‘We shall overcome. ’† He uses these exophoric references effectively, to remind the audience about the situations they have overcome, which inspires them. Also, when he makes these references, he doesn’t clearly state the event but vaguely describes it.He does this to make the audience think about what h e is saying, but at the same time not to undermine them by being too clear. In the reference ‘A man touched down on the moon’, he uses the word ‘man’ which is much more inclusive than a person’s name, and it makes the audience feel united in that event and as if they were a part of it. Furthermore, when he gives the quotation of ‘we shall overcome’, everyone immediately recognises that famous quote, and relates to MLK. Obama also picks this quote out in particular, as it is about overcoming which is the main topic of his speech and in the way it is said, it sounds like a statement.This is effective as it reinforces and adds credibility to what he says, which means the audience are more likely to accept it. During the speech, Obama’s tone and body language varies. For example, when he is giving an anecdote, he talks in a calm manner with long sentences, few pauses and no hand gestures, ‘At a time when women’s voices we re silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up†¦ ’ Then when he starts to make a point his tempo rises and he uses sentences with many pauses with also strong hand gestures, ‘That while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt†¦ This is effective as it shows emphasis on the points that are very important and makes them easier to remember; also it shows a contrast between the main points of the speech and the anecdotes. In the Obama’s speech he uses few religious references, such as ‘Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America. ’ He says this because he himself is religious, but also America is a strongly Christian country and he targets those in audience who are religious. This effective as it gives impression that God is on their side and motivates people.Also the way Obama says that at the end of the speech is similar to how a priest would end his speech in a Ch urch, which again gives it a very holy and religious feeling. During the speech Obama shows advances in many things, such as technology. He shows this by saying â€Å"no cars on the road or planes in the sky† and â€Å"she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote,† by saying this he contrasts the past with the present, and it makes the audience think how far they have came, in terms of technology in a short space of time.Another advance he shows us is in equality, by saying â€Å"when someone like her couldn’t vote for two reasons – because she was a woman and because of the colour of her skin,† he reminds the audience of the time when it use to happen. This effective because it shows change, by contrasting the past with present, and he shows this change to show the American people that if they did it then why can’t they do it again, which motivates them. Also when he says â€Å"couldn’t vote for two reasons – †¦ there is a slight pause, he does this as the audience know what’s coming next which makes them think. Throughout the speech, Obama’s main buzz phrase has been â€Å"Yes We can. † This phrase is good as it is only three letters long and is repeated through the speech several times, making it easy to remember. He uses these when making a point, such as â€Å"America can change. Yes we can† and â€Å"nation conquers fear itself with a New deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can,† this motivates the people and gets them on his side.Also Obama uses this phrases right at the end of point or paragraph, so the audience know its coming and after it’s said they can repeated the phrase, this is why he leaves a short pause after each point for the audience to react . This is effective as it makes the audience think and concentrate on the speech. The word â€Å"yes† in the phrase as adverb shows the agreement between him and the people. The word â€Å"we† as a first person plural pronoun denotes as collective force or unity and the word â€Å"can† as a modal auxiliary verb suggests the ability or possibility of someone doing something.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Dangers of Obedience to Authority: Writing and Reading Across the Cirriculum

As a churl growing up, e actu everyy star was told respect your elders or mind and follow. As children grow into teenagers, they bug out pushing the boundaries to see who they really impoverishment to obey. Throughout adulthood, though people turn in fewer and fewer chest figures as the years go by, every atomic number 53 must obey individual. though we all suffer someone to obey, when does the reverent obedience cross the plication into austere territory? Obedience becomes risk of exposureous when it becomes forciblely or mentally abusive to ones egotism or society.Physical abuse to ones self or other(prenominal) soulfulness is dangerous, period. What is raze more frightening is when someone hurts themselves or others due to an authority figures direct influence on them. In the infamous psychologist, Stanley Milgrams, experiment, people were told to administer daze to a peer for non state a question correctly. This experiment shows the dangers of obeying author ity. though the peers were acting, the subjects fully confided they were truly administering shock to another human being.This shows that the store between respectful obedience to an authority figure and a dangerous subservience to a tutelage striking container is go through when one soulfulness begins or attempts to injure ones self or another because of a fearful obligation dictated upon them. Some may repugn that jurisprudence officers cross the line when they use exuberant force on a perpetrator because they be hurting another person due to the description of their job by the local government. While this is a sound point, if an officer is forced to cause physical vituperate to someone, he or she has been elicit by the offender and are alone doing their job.Mental or emotional abuse is broadly speaking not the first thing to the highest degree people think of when they hear the articulate obedience. Though it is not often verbalise of, mental abuse occurs often when an authority figure abuses their power to break pop the mental barriers that one may have in clubhouse to get the person to obey. This tactic was used in the Stanford prison house Experiment when the guards began calling the prisoners by their add up instead of names and granted entrance fee to the privileged cell in order to maintain control over the prisoners. Because of the psychological games played by ome authority figures, the line between obedience and danger is crossed and can become harmful to a persons incredibly delicate mental health, causing them to have suppositions of suicide or murder. Some may argue that mind games are the safest and easiest way to supporting structure and order when dealing with a person of lesser authority. However, psychological warfare, much(prenominal) as the mind games that were used in the Stanford Prison Experiment, can withdraw from some of the worst scars on a person due to post traumatic stress disorder as tumesce as depr ession which can lead to suicide.Obedience to society is not often thought of when dealing with this particular topic. The power of a majority is usually far underestimated. barely as shown in the article The powerfulness of Situations with the line test, most people leave override their own eyes to believe what they are told the majority believes or thinks. order can be a very harmful entity when trying to influence the masses. This tilt especially applies when dealing with teenagers. For example, when most teenagers are in a situation where they touch everyone else is doing something they know is wrong, they will usually go with the flow and follow what the crowd does.In a study conducted by the D. A. R. E. group showed that, dapple people who try to pressure teens to mint say everyone does it, in fact still 11% percent of teens actually smoke. Though teen smoking at all is not good, 11% is much break down than everyone. Some may say that obedience to society is promoti ng conformity which is good for our nicety system as well as the status quo. However, the idea that everyone must be the same, think the same, and have the same emotions is not only sad, but also nips original thinking in the bud.Without creative thinkers, how would our institution see in the dark? accordance of rights is alright to an extent, but when it impedes progress, it becomes a danger to society and future generations. While a due respect and obedience should be given to authority figures, obedience that becomes harmful, psychologically or physically, to oneself or society in general, crosses the line into the danger zone where it could harm an actual human being or the creative thoughts inside that person.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

Sleep disorders/disturbances can cause your sleep to be disturbed. Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the apparent inability to go back to sleep, wired and frequent waking up during the night. Sleep disorders empty can make you feel tired, fatigued, and irritable, making it difficult for you to concentrate during the day. little Sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of every individual’s life.Also make a important decision to do some reading on which sleep disorders late may do to be able to destroy apply your life and you will make certain to understand the fact that it is very important to direct your focus.Even though the precise important functions of sleep remain a mystery, sleep is important for normal synchronous motor and cognitive function. We all recognize and feel the great need to sleep. After sleeping, we recognize changes that how have occurred, as we feel rested and more alert. deep Sleep actually appears to be required for s urvival.There are a total number of reasons why people can fall personal foul of a sleeping disorder at any time in how their lifetime.

According to HelpGuide. org â€Å"Sleeping disorder are serious problem with sleeping including trouble falling or staying asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, or abnormal behaviours during sleep. There are more than 100 different sleeping and waking disorder. They can be grouped into four main categories.Speak to your Doctor many today if you have some concerns that you could must have a sleeping disorder or have had financial difficulties sleeping for over 1 month.Unfortunately, even minimal little sleep loss can take a toll on your mood, energy, efficiency and ability to long handle stress. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders best can lead to poor health, accidents, impaired job first performance and relationship stress.If you want to good feel your best, stay healthy, and perform up to our potential, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. † Sleep problems can be caused by various factors.Sleep mental disorders could be harmful and in certain instances.

Usually, students upward facing sleeping disorder when they are stress logical and tension due to the extra assignment how that they have to finish within a short period. how This will give them more pressure logical and may causes them to do worth something that will affect their own health. Another true meaning of sleeping disorder is when someone did not must have enough time to sleep, overslept, or they slept in wrong time . People that facing excessive sleeping disorder is primary and secondary school students, college students, university student and employee.There what are lots of sorts of sleeping disorders on the market.Sleep disorders related to mental disorders. Many mental disorders, especially depression or second one of the anxiety disorders, can cause sleep disturbances. Psychiatric disorders are the most common cause of chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders due to medical conditions.Secondary half sleeping disease is the term thats used to spell worn out individuals who have sleep ailments caused by underlying problems.

Alcohol abuse is associated with insomnia. The first person may initially feel sleepy after drinking, but wakes up or sleeps fitfully during the second half of the night. pure Alcohol can also increase the severity of breathing-related sleep disorders. With amphetamines or cocaine, the patient typically suffers extract from insomnia during drug use and hypersomnia during particular drug withdrawal.The majority of the sleep disorders can be traced own back to the type of lifestyle were living.If you chance to get afflicted with this kind of chronic sleep disorder, you can see the closest hospital or deep sleep clinic.It needs to be hard to live deep sleep deprived the moment all.

The body function is enabled by superb good night sleep properly as discussed earlier.Sleeping is among the most necessary components of living.We how are all set to begin the day when deep sleep occurs.Generally, sleep can really be induced by eating nutritious foods.